The OSU/UM/UIC Algebraic Geometry Workshop

The Ohio State University, April 5-6, 2014


Seckin Adali, U. of Illinois at Chicago
Morgan Brown, U. of Michigan
Mirel Caibar, Ohio State U.
Ana-Maria Castravet, Ohio State U.
Huachen Chen, Ohio State U.
James Cogdell, Ohio State U.
Susan Jane Colley, Oberlin College
Izzet Coskun, U. of Illinois at Chicago
Alexander Duncan, U. of Michigan
Yajnaseni Dutta, U. of Illinois at Chicago
Tyler Foster, U. of Michigan
William Fulton, U. of Michigan
Davide Fusi, Ohio State U.
Paul Hacking, U. of Massachusetts at Amherst
Zhuang He, Ohio State U.
Gary Kennedy, Ohio State U.
Emanuele Macri, Ohio State U.
Gregory Muller, U. of Michigan
Mircea Mustata, U. of Michigan
Sebastian Olano, U. of Illinois at Chicago
Janet Page, U. of Illinois at Chicago
Mihnea Popa, U. of Illinois at Chicago
Dusty Ross, U. of Michigan
Tim Ryan, U. of Illinois at Chicago
Artan Sheshmani, Ohio State U.
Ian Shipman, U. of Michigan
David Speyer, U. of Michigan
Alex Stathis, U. of Illinois at Chicago
Hsian-Hua Tseng, Ohio State U.
Kevin Tucker, U. of Illinois at Chicago
Brooke Ullery, U. of Michigan
Lei Wu, U. of Illinois at Chicago
Bingyu Xia, Ohio State U.
Shuhang Yang, U. of Illinois at Chicago
Fenglong You, Ohio State U.
Xiaolei Zhao, U. of Michigan
Xudong Zheng, U. of Illinois at Chicago